Women’s World Cup U17 – Pre Camp

Poland U17 Women – WC Pre Camp

Orange Veins is thrilled to announce we will bring Poland U17 Women to the Dominican Republic!

The young women will participate in the Women’s World Cup U17 this October and will enjoy a great Pre Camp with Orange Veins. Between the 6th and 13th of October they will be staying in the Dominican Republic. The team will have training sessions, meetings and a friendly match against Korea Republic U17 Women.

Orange Veins will arrange all logistic like the hotel, transfers, the friendly games, training sessions etc. We are excited to be contribute in this road to the titel of World Champions for these young women! The team will learn more about a different land and culture, they will test their skills and teamwork on and off the pitch to show the world what they got.

We wish Poland U17 Women the best of luck during this Pre Camp and the Women’s World Cup!

Do you want to go on a pre camp like this with your team, get in contact with us!

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